Courts are very formal places and there is an expectation that you will behave in a respectful way and follow the rules and procedures. Everyone in Court, including lawyers, witnesses, police officers and the public must conduct themselves according to the Court's rules. When you visit the High Court we request your cooperation in respecting our restrictions and requirements for visitors. It is customary, as a matter of respect to the Court when it is in session, that you bow on entry into the Court room and again on leaving. Please remain silent while inside the Court room and in the area immediately outside its entrance. We do not recommend bringing infants or very young children into the Court room while the Court is in session, but if they are accompanying then please ensure that they do not make noise during Court proceeding. We request you not to bring any of the following items into the Court rooms when the Court is in session: cameras, radios, tape recorders, or any other electronic devices capable of audio or video recording. Use of mobile phones is strictly prohibited in the Court rooms. Everyone is expected to keep the same on silent mode or switched off the same. Newspapers and other documents that may cause a disruptive rustling are also not allowed in the Court rooms. All oral arguments in the High Court are open to the public, subject to seating capacity. To manage the flow of people in and out of the Court rooms, and as a mark of respect to the Court, visitors are requested to remain in the Court room maximum for 10 minutes. Visitors are advised to carry their Gate Pass along with them at the time of entering the Court premises, as their entry is otherwise prohibited due to security reasons. In short, following checklist is suggested to be ensured:

  • Wear clothing that would be appropriate for business.
  • Arrive on time
  • Turn off electronic devices and cell phones before entering the Court room.
  • Be polite to the Judge, opposing counsel and Court staff.
  • Rise when the Judge enters and leaves the Court room, as a mark of respect to the Court.
  • Stand when speaking to the Judge, making or meeting an objection, or questioning a witness.
  • Do not interrupt others while they are representing their case.
  • Submit all concerns and remarks to the bench and not to the opposing counsel.
  • Smoking and drinking is strictly prohibited in the Court Complex.
  • Audio or visual recording of proceedings is strictly prohibited.